STOP Project
“Small Touches for Our Planet”, (STOP), is an Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project in field of youth, co-funded by the European Union.
STOP is the need to develop social awareness about climate change that threatens our future and to take responsibility for each individual. In this regard, local environmental events, disaster news on the national, and world agenda have given us sufficient motivation. It is essential for our planet to start a total struggle from the individual to the whole.
Our world has been warmed by about 1 degree since 1900, which is accepted as the industrial revolution. This is because the carbon emission, which was 280 ppm before the industrial revolution, increased to 410ppm as of 2018. This may be perceived as a simple number at first glance, but the point is that this 1 degree causes unexpected environmental disasters all over the world.
- To raise awareness about carbon and water footprints,
- Discussing behaviors and practices that damage the cycle of nature,
- To investigate and spread the effects of climate change on nature and ecosystem,
- To research and exhibit the natural events of the last 20 years, directly related to climate change.
o Training course: On the causes of climate change, methods of struggle and individual commitments.
o Youth Exchange: Ways to combat climate change (includes trainings, seminars, verification activities, outdoor activities and workshops. 18-25 age range from each country)
o Climate change seminar at the local of each partner
o Social media campaigns
o Creating a 5-volume climate guide (Climate and Gas Emission, Climate and Water, Climate and Energy, Climate and Recycling, Climate and Forest)